Why do people volunteer?
Personal qualities of The Carers House volunteers
What are volunteers expected to do?
How do DPfC support volunteers?
Induction Training
Ongoing support
How to volunteer with DPfC
Why do people volunteer?
It’s fun and you meet new people
Learn new skills and become more confident
Help other people to improve their quality of life
Occupy time in a meaningful and constructive way
Personal satisfaction, achievement and enjoyment.
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Personal qualities of DPfC's volunteers
Volunteering for the DPfC Open House can be hectic, fun and a worthwhile experience for volunteers who need to be able to adapt to different situations as no two days are the same with different activities and new people to meet.
Ideally you will have a degree of self-confidence and are willing to learn and enjoy listening and communicating.
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What are volunteers expected to do?
DPfC have a number of volunteer opportunities which include:
Administration tasks
Kitchen duties
Befriending project
Advocacy Service
BME (Black & Minority Ethnic) Social Club.
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How do we support DPfC volunteers?
Before placement, volunteers complete a training course, which focuses on Carer awareness plus specific training to the role you wish to volunteer in and is designed to build upon personal qualities and increase confidence in carrying out your chosen role.
All volunteers have access to support and supervision as well as group meetings with other volunteers where they are able to share experiences. Access to further training opportunities are also available.
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Would you like to volunteer with DPfC?
Please feel free to get in touch with DPfC (see our Contact Us page for details) to find out more. We are always looking for volunteers to enable us to continue our work.
Please note that volunteers should be able to give 6 months commitment to the project.